Making the first diy wooden surfboard workshop was tiring but exciting at the same time. The guys who participated are very different from each other but they share the same passion and each of them has given us great satisfaction.
Thanks to them we realized the most important thing for us: sharing the experience and the passion to build your own wooden surfboard. We wanted to merge shaping and making together with the guys of The FabLab Milano and we had the opportunity to dust in our own the Luiss Hub. These were three intense days in which we made 3 Langre, 1 Macaco and 1 Avocado. The first step was to assemble the internal skeleton and glue it to the bottom using a rocker table. The second day we continued with the gluing up to get the raw surfboard that we shaped the third day, that much more dusty and fun!

Now the wooden surfboards are in resin and you will soon see the results. We are already thinking about the next dates and we can’t wait to start again! Ps: many thanks to our UMARELL that increased our productivity. Without him we would never have done it.